Ragged Rose

Jewellery, and Accessorising

Many people choose to wear jewellery which is decorated with their own personal birthstone. The stones make an attractive addition to a piece of jewellery, and they can have great significance for their owner as each one is thought to have its own unique meanings and connotations. They can be associated with certain personality traits and reflect individual characteristics, and people also believe that they can perform a function for […]

Categories: Gemstones

There is always a risk when trying to acquire some new jewellery that you’re going to get ripped off. In the case of diamonds, determining whether or not they’re counterfeit is relatively easy, and can be done with a few simple tests which you can do, without even buying any equipment. First method is the fog test; where you place the diamond close to your mouth, blow on it, and […]

Categories: Gemstones

There are lots of things you can learn about rubies, from how they are processed, found and distributed, to how they are geologically formed. All of this is important when you are considering how to use them in jewellery. Rubies are found in lots of locations, but they have been found most commonly, now and in the past, in Burma. They’ve also been found more recently throughout the orient and […]

Categories: Gemstones

When people use the term “stone” in the world of jewellery, that includes everything from diamonds to onyx. Technically speaking, a stone is any mineral material which has been naturally formed through a geological process. Aquamarine is a gemstone formed from the mineral Beryl. It is typically known for its blue colour, but it actually has a few different varieties, including one which is in fact yellow. You will usually […]

Categories: Gemstones